Grand Fantasia
Grand Fantasia is a free-to-play 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) with anime-inspired graphics, that has enjoyed great success in other territories. The game is also called Dreamy Journey Online in other parts of the world.
Set in an expansive and carefully crafted fantasy world, Grand Fantasia offers players a variety of engaging features, including: branching class trees, innovative pet customization, crafting systems, incredible mounts, and auction houses. Players looking for more of an action-oriented experience can also participate in player-versus-player (PvP) combat, team-based battlefields, and challenging dungeons.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
There are quite a few things coming to both games.
1 year agoThe company is taking over operations from gamigo.
2 years agoThere’s a reskinned companion.
2 years agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
XP / 2000 / Vista / 7 / 8
Memory512 MB
Storage2 GB
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Equivalent
GraphicsGeForce FX 5200 / ATI Radeon 9600
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Grand Fantasia

Frankly, X-Legend has been doing a somewhat poor job at maintaining player satisfaction, having recently removed a very useful effect from a buff that made the game a lot more enjoyable and deciding to change times for some events without checking if the community wants the change or not. While the time change is being voted on, there is currently no option for the time to stay as is it and the suggested times are terrible for players from Europe (which makes up at least half of the World server population). Personally I think that X-Legend is completely unaware of their playerbase and what we want, which is a very bad sign for the future of the game.
Currently as a new player, this seems to be the experience (more or less):
- you start off the game in a mostly empty starting map
- you'll spend most of your early levels alone until you reach level 70+
- up until level 70+ you'll be facing big issues in regards to money and being able to clear dungeons by yourself. Your best choice will be to join a guild and have someone carry you through the early levels by either funding you, running you through dungeons for money and/or power-levelling you
- at level 70-80, you'll have to decide to either start spending real money to buy Magic Alchemy Clays and sell those to get gold, start farming crafting materials using your sprites (mostly purple quality materials) and selling them, or get lucky to find someone who will be willing to run dungeons for money. Be warned that one of the most popular dungeons for this, Black Flame Ruins (level 73+) gives you 180 gold and in order for you to get geared at level 80 (yellow armor set with purple chest, runestones, yellow/purple weapons, fortification, etc.) you'll need to spend at least 100k gold. In other words, you'll need to run Black Flame Ruins about 550 times to get enough money to fund the basic stuff for level 80. This does not include enchanted costumes, nuclei, enchanted mount and throne, etc. So as a free-to-play player, you'll find yourself grinding for hours daily to be able to gear yourself up.
- Once you've geared up, you have 2 choices: keep farming money at your current level to fund your level 100 gear (a few times more expensive than your level 80 gear), or go to level 100 and start selling power-level for money and at the same time farming purple quality materials to sell and earn extra money. Or you can keep spending real money on the game and fund yourself that way.
Overall, the game has aged quite poorly and the fact that there are no new players makes the new player experience pretty bad
Some of these comments show that these guys have never explored content or were too dumb to.
Prismata/Distorted Dimension/Forsaken Temple give gold past 91 and Blazing Kaslow gives Seething Kaslow tickets which can either be sold for gold.
For a game that's 'essentially dead' (based on the last post) the economy is still reasonable to gear in, albeit slowly if you're a free player. Still people in Siwa Island.
-Forum and ingame events held by GSs are active and have nice prizes
-Community Discord makes it much easier to get help/Ask questions compared to the forum which has been near dead for most games.
-Unlimited dungeoning; dungeons aren't capped so if you can gear up to solo and have the time, go for it!
-Much friendlier Tiered Spender than other Aeria Games. Tip: Save your clays for a good table (cue: keep your eyes peeled for the player announcements). You can have up to 5 accounts so completing the first teir on all 5 is the best value for money.
-Dungeon leeching: New players who can be run through a dungeon for a portion of thier gold reward, decent way to build up funds to craft/etc.
-Many maps to level on so you typically won't see too many other players till 60+.
-You should get a guild, can be difficult as a solo player unless you know the ins-and-outs.
-Some cancerous community members; e.g 'Don't play this game, you can get a better one' yet they're actively playing.
-Crafting is trying your patience from level 60 onward.
I'd say give it a go, find a guild that cares and take your time to learn the game and you might just love it. I did!
In other words: very DEAD.
ps. the game starts getting enjoyable after lvl 30.
It's sad to see that everything goes bad :/
I play this game since 2 Years and that's so sad to see this shit.
The member go away and everything os going expensive. This shit is so bad -__-
last update fixed up economy litl bit
new gm new exp rate i love it!
The negative thing about this game was the big cooldown on hp and mp pots -_- Really, if you fought mobs the same level as yours (or lower) you were getting hit pretty bad once they got to melee you. As Ranger I used my skills a lot because my crit rate just sucked but, seeing as the mp pots had a long cooldown I always ended up with sitting and waiting for either my mp to recover or the cd to pass. Thsi was very dangerous in an all-aggrevated area.
This game is very quest and party based so if you start playing it just make a lot of friends from the start.
- Game Graphics are in anime-style
- Leveling is easy at the beginning (Lvl. 1 - 30) but becomes harder as you lvl higher.
- Quests can be repetitive and you have to kill the same monsters again and again.
* At higher levels you notice that monsters look just the same (clones?) as the
lower lvl monsters you've been grinding before which can make you feel bored.
* As i said, game requires you to grind for hours when you are at high lvl since it
takes a lot of exp just to lvl especially when you are at lvl 50 when masteries are
available (Skill Mastery is a system in the game that you can use to add more
stat bonus to your character but requires a hell of a lot of experience and each
mastery requires 2 points).
* Dungeons are pretty difficult and getting to form a party is somehow very difficult
because players aren't much helpful and some would even "troll" on you if you
ask for help but this can be avoided if you have friends playing this game. You
can also try to solo dungeons but only if you have the right gears for it.
- You can fortify weapons to +5 to make them glow and the max fortification limit is +18
but fail rate is too high and will cause your weapon to break if you aren't careful.
- Max lvl limit is now lvl 90 and there are different classes to choose which also gives
way to different paths for each class (example: Warrior can choose to become a
paladin or a beserker; a mage can choose to be a necromancer or wizard, etc.)
- PvP system is somehow broken because of unbalanced system, like for example if
you do not have +18 weapon/armor someone who have that can actually kill you w/
a single hit and to make it worse there are people who stack PvP (they say its called
"strategy" but wtf? how about when overpowered players stack? is that fair?)
*** Over all I can say this game is a bit pay2win even if it's FREE-TO-PLAY you need to spend real money if you want to catch up with the players who have been playing this game for a long time.
Over all score for me for this game: 3.9/5
after the Bodor Gaia server merge on the EN servers to create ponchee... so no more in-game bot/macros anymore
there is a sprite helper (pet perc) that pots for you automatically when your HP drops blow X%
lover system... and now i-game marriages
lvl 90 cap
getting to 60 really isnt that hard, and it's not completely a grinding MMO. there are 3 faction famrs with 3 maps for your level until 60 and each map has plenty of quests and goodies!
as for classes...
1-5 - Novice
6-15 - Alcyote /// Hunter /// Fighter /// Spellcaster
16-30 - Priest /// Archer /// Warrior /// Mage
31-65 - Sage / Cleric /// Assassin / Ranger /// Paladin / Berserker /// Wizzard / Necromancer
66-85 - Mystic / Prophet /// Darkstalker / Sharpshooter /// Templar / Warlord /// Archmage / Demonologist
and now with the 90 patch...
86-90 - Shaman / Saint /// Windshadow / Hawkeye /// Crusader / Deathknight /// Avatar / Shadowlord
That's 33 classes overall o/
Unique talents system and Ancient talents (Lv66+)
Admittingly... PvP can be annoying sometimes when someone is stocked up on CS pots (cash shop) but there is multipul PvP and PvE arenas ( Sprite Battelfeild, HellFire Arena, White Sands Arena are all PvP... Trial Maze and Sprite Kings Fight Club for PvE and finally... Terratory wars and Guild War for epic lag battles XD there is also a new 1v1 arena Hall of Judgement which is pretty cool, best of 3 duels)
Your sprites can now battle with you and use your out-leveled gear and cast skills automatically
(Skills depend on the "sprite song" on the weapon / cape / acessorie given)
Fortifying cap is +18 and costs a fair bit of in game gold
there is a "UnderGround Gold Shop" where you can purchase Cash items for In Game Gold (if you've ever played a F2P you should get why this is good for those with a tight wallet but with a clever mind dont lose out on the goodies :P)
ermm... trying to think what else XD
Econemy is pretty good due to recent gold sink measures (they're not too drastic... apart from skills lvl 66+ you'll be paying 1k gold+ a level)
no death penalty on maps upto level 20
you can dual client, (good way to farm money, get a high level and just run yourself dungeons everyday) you dont need sandbo... idk if im allowed to finish that name, but you get the gist XD
the Aeria Games staff are fairly helpful. you usually get a robotic reply from your Request Tickets (send these when you have a problem) but they actually do help. the GameSage team do do a good job ot making the game more enjoyable for everyone... although sometimes there isnt a GS online and things get hetic in world chat >.<
the downsides i dont like...
the RQ'ers...
fairly laggy on a low spec PC. I can play with an acer extensa 5235... single core... 1gb of ram... no graphics card. yes, it is laggy. i have low FPS but i make do... somehow ^.^
there is weekly maintenance and there is always bugs to be fixed. nothing serious mind, just localizations and what-not
im a lvl 80 Darkstalker and i spent so many hours playing this game... i still enjoy it as much as yesterday
4.4 *'s seems like a legit rating in my opinion overall
P.S. if you'e looking for an anime themed game, but not quite too sure... have a look at Eden Eternal and Lime Odessey (not release yet)
happy gaming o/
(sorry if there was typos)
Cons: Over Grindy especially once you reach level 20+, Impossible to Solo in dungeon or to slay Boss monster, not many player compare to other client-based games, Quest may get repetitive after some times..
its quite funny altough its grinding mmo. item shop stuff is tradeable and you can get it with ingame gold.