Oldies but goodies.
Oldies but goodies.
If you're looking for an MMORPG game with a little more meat on the bones, this list should be for you.
Well, here's some good news.
Anarchy Online is still kicking around -- and even turning 19 this year, so of course Funcom is celebrating.
In the not-too-distant future, Funcom may be completely owned by Tencent.
With only a few older free-to-play MMORPGs on its roster, Funcom's quarterly financial statement doesn't typically offer as much to dissect as other companies'.
A few years ago, we wondered aloud if Funcom was worth saving.
Age of Conan and Anarchy Online may not be getting any development love any more, but that doesn't mean you can't buy Funcom Points and use them in those games.
There are only a few weeks left in 2017 -- something I'm sure most of us aren't lamenting.
MMO developer Funcom has decided to bring its long-running sci-fi MMO Anarchy Online to the Steam platform.
We heard back late last night from Funcom regarding its being raided by the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime.