What Really Constitutes Pay-To-Win?
Every free-to-play game is pay-to-win.
That's a sentiment I see all the time. No matter what game is being talked about in an article, someone in the comments will talk about how it's pay-to-win. Everyone has their own definition, and what's totally reasonable to someone is exploitative and expensive to another.
The undeniable truth is that every F2P game (as well as every buy-to-play game and some sub-fee games) has an item shop, and it's expected that the developers will put things in it that they expect/hope/need you to buy. But how much is “too much”? How essential does an item or upgrade have to be before it crosses the line from “fine” to “paid advantage”?
Let's start by identifying the extremes. I think everyone would agree that purely cosmetic items – armor/weapon/character skins, fancy hats (hello, Team Fortress 2), new paint jobs for your cars, etc. – that convey absolutely no in-game stats are fine.
On the flip side, if there's an item that is available only in the item shop, that cannot be gained via in-game activities, and is statistically better than anything available in game... that's pretty much the definition of pay-to-win.
But what lies in-between? Where do you draw the line between F2P and P2W? Here are some examples of common monetization methods in F2P games, all of which have, at some point, drawn out the plaintive cries of “pay to win!”
Boosts. Advancement-rate boosts are present in nearly all F2P games. Whether they boost your character's leveling XP, crafting XP, currency gain rate, etc. – if there's a way to speed up your progress, you better believe it'll be sold in the item shop.
When a game artificially keeps its gain rates slow so that it can sell the “cure”, that's bad. It's also pretty difficult to prove when that's the case. Still, since they don't confer any actual in-game benefits, except letting you get powerful faster, most people are OK with this kind of transaction. Are you?
Buying gear. As with base leveling speed and boosts, the difficulty in getting gear in-game is a big factor here. If it's relatively easy to get gear, requiring only a few hours' time for a typical item, then it's generally perceived as not too much of a bad thing if you can buy that same gear for real-world money. If it takes a long time to get gear, like a typical PvE progression game that requires multiple dungeon or raid runs over the course of several weeks or months, it might be seen as if you're more “encouraged” to buy your gear instead of earning it.
The power of the gear, and in fact the verticality of the game as a whole, also factors into it. In PlanetSide 2, for instance, all gear is (theoretically) sidegrades: a weapon that fires faster does less damage, for instance. In Rift, new levels of gear provide direct benefits, such as increased stats. Most people would have more of an issue with the latter case than the former, while some don't want to see stat-based gear available for sale at all.
Buying in-game currency or game time. This doesn't apply as much to pure F2P games but is a factor in games like Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, and (soon) WildStar. In all of these games, you can spend real money for a currency (gems in GW2, PLEX in EVE, and CREDD in WildStar) that can be exchanged for in-game currency. In effect, you can spend money to get gold, or the equivalent thereof, and with it, potentially gear.
One line of reasoning goes that, because you can, technically, get real-money stuff without actually spending real money, anything goes in the item shop. It's not “pay-to-win” if you don't technically have to pay, regardless of how long it might take you to grind for the currency.
Buying convenience and basic utility. Like boosts, the amount of bag or vault space you have unlocked doesn't directly impact how much damage your character does, so it's technically a stretch to call this sort of thing “pay to win.” But it's hard to imagine someone being able to manage a character up to combat competence without a reasonable amount of space to keep all their stuff – not to mention other basics like hotbars (hello, SWTOR!) and currency caps or time-based lockouts.
Does “annoying and infuriating unless unlocked” count as “pay to win”? Or does it need to be something meatier and directly combat-oriented to count? Or do you just not like the notion of anyone being able to purchase any kind of advancement, such as in advancement speed, over you? Let us know!
About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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It's not only from non-fair chash shops. I know a few people in "game x" who managed to turn boosts (combined with power leveling) and purdy things into fully powered end-game gear. P2W isn't always a straight line.
The problems are:
1. how much of the advantage does the payment give you.
2. how much money you willing to pay to keep this advantage.
3. how the paid advantage frustrate F2P players.
Considering above, I continue playing or give up some of the games I used to try. (some of them are not f2p)
Dragon nest -give up- I don't want to pay for protection jelly or stamina for cap lvl dungeons.
Planetside 2 -continue- I considerer it partly P2W, first time I play the game, I felt ESF farming guys are really annoying, so I save certs and bought an AA-lock-on launch. then found that it's unless. damn 1000 certs. QQ. However I still playing because I can have fun without any high lvl upgrades. I'm a noob at planes and tanks, but I can still kill BR100s with headshots.
WOW- I'm going to give up- everything is getting worse, and a lot of " WTB/WTS 2's carry" (kind of P2W style :P) I just run raid and get offline each Tuesday.
SWTOR-quit - there is a limitation for F2P player to join BGs.
Rift- quit - you have at least spend a minimum amount of money to unlock AH, It's to against gold farmers.I bought a bad slot. but when I passed lvl 50 I'm feeling leveling up is too slow. so I quit playing.
El sword- quit- limited times of dungeon run for F2P, not quite sure about this game, but I heard people saying it's not P2W game, I may try again later.
The Secret World- stop playing for some reason else- but this game is so good, I like the concept of the story and game structure. you don't need to create alts to experience all kind of role and play style. the you will need buy DLC, but it's only a series of quest with some average lvl gear. you can access everything: endgame gears, raids, bgs. the dungeons are exciting, even a single mistake will cause a wipe. Community is mature and active. the only thing I don't like is there's always OP builds in pvp.
Once, I heard "your time is a kind of currency" while I was watching some farming guide of WOW.
Sometimes, for those extremely P2W games, I was wondering should the game company pay F2P players for letting paid players have fun? :P
I'm looking for a Space ship MMO, it can be like EVE, but will don't want my ship permanently destroyed, cuz' I want to do a lot of PVP. I'm not looking for FPS style fighter games like Star Conflict, I prefer a UI like WOW or Guild Wars2.
Also if anyone have play a costume map" starship-battle"(or some similar name) on StarCraft II. It's a 6v6 ship battle. you can earn gold by killing enemy ships or NPC fighers (like DOTA) and purchase upgrades. I love this kind of ship battle games as well.
If anyone have any suggestions, just tell me.
When said item is immensely useful or powerful too
Neverwinter does have a currency you can pay real money for but you can also exchange in game currency for payable currency, which makes it so no one has to truly pay to play this game. AD to Zen was amazing add on which leaves no excuse for people because even if someone does pay to get a little helping hand, there is nothing he can buy that you cant, its just paying for it gets it immediately where as converting AD to zen just takes time because u have to earn the AD to buy Zen. Neverwinter is a TRUE Free To Play game
Free to play : You can get everything in the game (except maybe some esthetic items like cloth or paints) In a decent amount of time with in game currencies. Games like Loadout or path of exile are good examples.
Pay to win: Well you know what it is. The most frustrating kind to me is the pvp super weapons.. But still i prefer dealing with pay to winners than hackers.(Wich is really the worst kind of pay to win... Some people buying aimbots or hacks in pvp games just make me sick) good example are becoming scarce since F2P is becoming so popular but the first 2 years of battlefield heroes is a good example.
Pay to Enjoy : Noooow this category is getting VERY popular. Games you have to grind months to get those premium credits or items. Games that makes you pay to get essential stuff (Anyone who tried SWTOR as a F2P knows what i mean) Making people pay for PVP, dungeons, items slots and quick bars is pretty much like Wow saying it's FREE TO PLAY "up to level 20". almost every Trading card games fits this category.Games like war of the roses, neverwinter and other MMO you need to play 12 hours a day 7 days a week to get the equivalent of 1$ in premium currency is in my opinion a Pay to enjoy.
Like said before MMORPG's are the problem mostly. ( and in general in games Asian developers or publishers).
Maybe because RPG's are a bigger project, with a bigger budget, and a lot to develop including a continuous content rolling in to keep the players in the game, to keep the players entertained. With Moba players are making the content with each match is different than the previous one. Same with shooters. The PVP focused games need a less atention to new content 24/7 because the players are making the game and content between them. With RPG's to get to that PVP you have to level up in PWE. And the PWE is ''costly''.
Players that Pay and support the game should have a little advantage but that advantage should not make a difference from the other players. Thats the developers job to figure out what they want. And we as players decide if its worth playing that game with their model of F2P or P2W game.
1. If anything present in-game that cannot be gained without paying - Pay To Win.
2. You encounter lot of annoying "encouragement" to pay - Free To Pay.
3. Shop like in path of exile that only sells cosmetics - Free To Play.
Thing is, a lot of ppl used to designate games that are unlikely to be pleasant for f2p users as p2w because p2w is something everyone knows about or/and what that is in the first place.
It's simply convenient.
With that said (at least to me )P2W is pretty clear, paying for gear/items that give you an advantage over a non-paying player, whether it's a one-shot-kill gun, or a ridiculous amount of armor (looking at you brick-force).
I'm not sure I would put XP boosts and vault space in the P2W category, unless it's an extreme case, but things like "double XP for 12/24 hours" I'm OK with since it doesn't have a direct impact during a match and it requires the player to actually play in order to benefit from it.
A far as the vault space I wouldn't say it's P2W, I think that's just a stupid-lazy way to try to get money, it's annoying and has the potential to ruin the game for some players.
At the beginning of the article "Every free-to-play game is pay-to-win. That’s a sentiment I see all the time". Yea you'll usually see that in every comment section of every video for every free-to-play game, but you'll also see someone else call the game a clone, and some dumb asshole say "first/mounted", and an even dumber asshole say "first/mounted" even though he's actually the 7th to comment. I guess my point is not all comments come from people who actually know what they're talking about.
To finish up, I've mentioned this before somewhere else, but I think F2P has been in an eternal experimental stage until recently, with games like Loadout, LoL, TF2, DOTA 2, etc who have found a way to have a cash shop and keep the gameplay unaffected by it, hopefully this model will be profitable enough for the developers/publishers to be used in newer games. I know those specific games are different from RPGs but I'm sure it can be used to mold a similar model that can apply to the needs of an RPG.
The old futuristic mmo Airrivals/Ace Online was a free and a pretty good and highly enjoyable game, at first, but now after some patches the game went fully p2t at the point that a free player being lv 70+ with the best free gear the game has to offer(which before the patch those guys were amazing) now can easlily get kicked by a lv 40-50 premium guy several times, if you are not a premium player then there is no way to see any progress throught the game. I had to left the game after 5 years of play, now im playing WOT but that game is heading to the same objetive.
all item shop: boost, gear, ingame money, crafting material, etc are p2w. is like playing single player games with cheats codes
heres how u actually know if its pay2win:
1. if u pay 300 Euro, u can actually get a weapon called "GOD WEAPON" which 1 shots ppl anywhere, which ruins the whole game for others, this is what pisses ppl off, not boosts, im okay with boosts doesnt matter that much, but when it gets to the degree that the game developer releases a weapon or an item that costs 300 euro and u can never die cause u have it thats where the line is drawn.
Anything that it is too hard or takes too long for a free player to acquire but is sold in the cash shop. You can fit anything there.
See. why isnt gw2 pay 2 win even though you can buy gold with real money, because it isnt hard to acquire gears. Why perfect world , which has the same system is? Because end game gears are reaaaaally hard , that makes perfect world pay 2 win while gw2 isnt.
Getting xp boosts in most games isnt pay 2 win but in age of wushu is, you can cut by 90% your progressing time with vip and boosts. What would take you years to acomplish a paying player could get it in less then a month.
boosts I don't see as pay to win. I see it more as pay to get there faster. and if you are paying you should get something rewarding.
cosmetics obviously are not p2w unless attacked with stats or stat holders. but to me aren't very rewarding at all. they are nice for those who want to look different but for me I don't care. most of the time I only see my character from a odd or limiting view anyways.
inventory space can be in some cases. if you can hold more potions etc then you have an advantage and that equates to p2w for me. usually not enough to be bothered with, but I can see in certain circumstances how it could be an issue.
as far as gear goes, I don't like seeing gear in a shop at all. but it can be done in a way that isn't that bad. Warframe sells frames but they aren't impossible to obtain in other ways relatively easily other than 1 frame that comes to mind. and it isn't like that frame is a huge difference maker.
im all for game time in a shop. im all for ingame currency in a shop. this does three things. it makes it f2p for those insane time loggers who don't want to pay for their game. it makes it so those who would buy gold anyway have a safe way to do it. and it helps eliminate gold spammers which is the most important for me.
unlocks or content in a shop for me isn't p2w. but it makes the game to me at least no longer f2p. If you cant access everything without paying I don't see how it can be called f2p.
SWToR, well that f2p model is more like a demo to me. and not a good one at that. I bought that game btw and subbed for quite a while. I like the game, but the f2p conversion was so bad even I had to go as a paying player. the non stop hate on its system just got bothersome to the point I just didn't want to look at it any longer. and a mmo without chat isn't much of an mmo really.