Blockchain Medieval Grand Strategy Title "Blocklords" Wants To Make A "Fun" Medieval MMORPG Exclusive To GameStop NFT

They've got a long way to go if that's true.

Anthony Jones
By Anthony Jones, News Editor Posted:


Appearing during the fourth annual NFT.NYC industry event today, MetaKing Studios CEO David Johansson revealed the medieval strategy game "Blocklords." The blockchain meets medieval metaverse title is coming exclusively to GameStop NFT and plans to launch its Early Access sometime this year.

Johansson claims Blocklords is "a first-of-its-kind blend of strategic choices and world-building gameplay" that gives players the freedom to own and customize a playable hero. The twist is that the hero is "entirely defined by [player] in-game actions," such as their career choices and character interactions. Slowly, the Hero gains value through its legacy and effectively becomes a big ol' NFT. (Yeah, they lost me there.)

Outside of an Alpha Test version shared on Twitter that doesn't dive into everything players can do, there isn't a showcase of the gameplay besides what we can interpret from word-of-mouth, which is a grave mistake for this type of game. MetaKing Studios has "core gamers and crypto-enthusiasts" developing the title who have most likely seen the steep decline of NFTs and their reputation in the games industry because those games never were cracked up to what they were supposed to be.

Because of that, not many gamers are interested in diving into NFT titles. While Blocklords may be headed by devs who really want to make a "fun" blockchain MMORPG, it's a tough sell and a big leap for a consumer when a lot of these NFT games roll out as spreadsheet simulators. The best way to separate themselves would be to show engaging gameplay and knock the Early Access testing out of the park, but it's hard to say how in-depth it'll be with roughly a year of development. Guess we'll find out sometime this year if it doesn't get pushed back first.

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About the Author

Anthony Jones
Anthony Jones, News Editor

Anthony Jones is a gaming journalist and late 90s kid in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He started at Mega Visions as a news reporter covering the latest announcements, rumors, and fan-made projects. FFXIV has his heart in the MMORPGs scene, but he's always excited to analyze and lose hours to ambitious and ambiguous MMOs that gamers follow.

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Discussion (1)

Flintstone 2 years ago
I do not think bankruptcy is fun.

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