Everything We Learned About The Elder Scrolls Online's Endless Archive And Update 40 During Today's Livestream
There's a ton of new awesome coming to ESO.
Update 40 is coming to The Elder Scrolls Online, and it all hits the test realm on Monday, September 18 for players to get their hands on. The Endless Archive is, of course, the highlight of this update, but there are plenty of other things to get excited about as well. Update 40 goes live on all realms on October 30.
The first thing the team touched on in the stream today was Grandmaster Crafting Stations. These stations allow you to consolidate all of your home's attuned crafting stations for a crafting skill line into a single furnishing. Decrease the amount of housing slots needed and make it simpler to craft those item sets. Players can get their Grand Master Crafting Stations from Faustina Curio using Writ Vouchers.
There's also a new Group Finder tool making its way into the MMORPG in update 40, allowing players to create and search for groups for any type of content in the game. You can set your criteria when searching for a group and require specific things such as CP level, using in-game voice chat, playstyle, and desired group role composition.
Jewelry Crafting is getting a rebalance to help bring the cost of this profession in line with other crafting professions. Gone are Jewelry Crafting Grains, as they are being converted into platings. The team promises that upgrading your rings and amulets will be easier in Update 40 than it was previously.
Quest XP and Gold rewards have been audited and will now be more consistent across zones, quest lines, dailies, and more. The rewards should more evenly match the complexity and length of the activities you are doing.
And finally, we get to the main event, the Endless Archive, an unending dungeon-like activity you can do solo or as a team with another player or companion. The Endless Archive will be a base game addition, meaning it is free for all players without any sort of DLC purchase requirement. You can enter the endless dungeon from anywhere via the map or find the physical entrance in Apocrypha.
Let's talk about the important stuff: the rewards in the Endless Archive. As you battle eternally deeper into the dungeon you will be rewarded with items not found in any other activity in the game, including the new Class sets, a mount, a pet, and other cosmetics. The new Class Sets buff the abilities for the game's seven classes, providing synergy with a specific skill line. You can acquire these class sets via loot drops or through the Archive's rewards vendor.
As you adventure into the Endless Archive you will also be earning a unique currency called Archival Fortunes. These Fortunes can be traded to the Archive rewards vendor for purchasable buffs, consumables, Class Set gear, and style pages. The purchasable buffs are permanently active for your future Archive runs. The more Archival Fortunes you collect, the more you can purchase these buffs to empower your future runs into the Endless Archive.
That's a lot of info on Update 40 for The Elder Scrolls Online, but it sounds like one hell of an epic update that's bringing lots of great changes and updates to the game. You can watch the entire livestream in the video below.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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