Guild Wars 2 Fans Organize In-Game Pride March Across Tyria

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

GW2 rainbow pride

As a show of support for people of all lifestyles and gender identification, some Guild Wars 2 fans are organizing "Pride March Tyria," to take place next Sunday, June 26, around the time of the daily reset. The march starts at Ebonhawke and will proceed all the way to Rata Sum, taking an estimated 2.5 hours to cover the route.

You can learn more about the march on Reddit or on the Guild Wars 2 forums, which has a map of the route. All LGBT+ folks and their allies are welcome to attend.

Now, let's keep the comments civil, shall we?

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In this article: Ncsoft, Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (9)

trionisshit 8 years ago
Brrainless degenerates trying to save dead game :D

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Jimz 8 years ago
Pride marches in games yep and people wonder why trolls exist.
Promoting people of all lifestyles and gender ID why should anyone care about how you live your life in the real world inside a game wtf really?

Toriosss 8 years ago
This is just sad. Normal people have the least amount of rights. White males are the ones who should be marching and asking for their rights.

Also why is this "article" even here on a gaming site. Promoting sickens to younger readers? pathetic.

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Jigsaw 8 years ago
It's nice for now. Until someone hijacks it to push a political agenda.

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Koutsu 8 years ago
Nice to see an online community coming together for something that reaches beyond physical boarders. Well done GW2 players, showing a great supportive community for a tragic event.

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