Next Grandmaster Nightfalls Announced For Destiny 2, More Weapons, And New Prime Gaming Rewards
This week’s “This Week at Bungie” is for the Conquerors.
Conquerors, are you ready? This week’s “This Week at Bungie” (TWAB) is for you.
The developers behind Destiny 2 reflected on Lightfall, announced the Grandmaster Nightfalls (which are starting soon), previewed the weapons to coming and going in Season 21, and released information on new Prime Gaming rewards.
Before the TWAB, Bungie published a retrospective on Lightfall's launch, which includes loads of information about Guardian Ranks, commendations, adjustments to difficulty and rewards of activities, better ways to obtain Exotic armor, updates to Exotic armor pieces, new armor mods and Strand Aspects, changes to the Artifact Perks system, the Power level in Season 21, and changes to the schedule for Trials of Osiris, Grandmaster Nightfalls, and Conqueror gilding.
As for new information, Season 20's Grandmaster Nightfalls will start on April 11, and those who haven't earned the Conqueror Seal for the first time will only be able to complete one Nightfall per week. Players who have already earned the Seal can complete the six featured Nightfalls as quickly as they want. Two additional Adept weapons, The Buzzard and The Swarm, will be available during Season 20, along with other Adept weapons such as Wendigo GL3 and Hung Jury.
Besides that, the Adept version of Trials of Osiris weapon Whistler's Whim is now out of rotation until further notice, but the regular version can still be obtained by focusing engrams with Saint-14. Certain weapons will leave the loot pool once Season 21 starts, but new weapons will also be entering the rotation, including new Strand weapons that are currently being kept secret to avoid spoilers.
Finally, new Prime Gaming Rewards are now available for the shooter, including the Spring Showers Exotic emote, the Arrow of Time Exotic ship, the Gray Tiger Shell Legendary Ghost Shell, and the Velvet Intention Legendary shader. To claim them, players must sign into their Prime Gaming account and link it to their account, and then select and claim the cosmetics through a specific link before visiting Rahool at the Tower to obtain them.
Here’s the link to this week’s TWAB for more details on everything mentioned.
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About the Author

Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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