Players Will Not Be Banned For Exploiting SWTOR's Lord Anril Bug

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


A pretty big bug has appeared in SWTOR's Fractured Uprising, causing the first boss to effectively off himself before players get the chance. The bad news is, using the bug to progress through the Uprising is considered an exploit. The good news is that you won't be banned for it.

The developers give two reason for not banning players who exploit this bug. The first is that despite the exploit, Fractured Uprising offers players better CXP when compared to other Uprisings so players who are in it for Command Ranks would be running Fractured no matter what. The other reason is that the bug is self created, and doesn't require players to do anything in order for it to happen.

The other good news here is that the developers plan to fix it in short order with the implementation of Update 5.1 on January 24. As with all updates, this may change but you can keep track of the developer's plans for the fix via the thread on the SWTOR forums.

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In this article: SWTOR, BioWare.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (9)

trionisshit 8 years ago
Game is dead, if they ban those few nerd milking cows, devs will starve to death.

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o 8 years ago

Waddafak 8 years ago
In reply to Sad Day, almost every MMO player knows Adventure Quest. But on another note I think even the possibility of banning someone for abusing an exploit is incredibly stupid. The player didn't bring the exploit into the game, the company and its shit coding skills did, so why punish someone because they chose to capitalize on YOUR mistakes. It's like picking Soraka ADC in LoL then getting mad at the enemies for shitting on you.

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Sad day 8 years ago
Wish the devs of this one indie dev browser game I know was that nice. Theres a similar bug like this it causes you to 1 shot everything but in a private instance where no other players are around and they are still banning players. It is an exploit but it can't be used in public instances where players are around but you can invite your friends to the private instance if you really want. People been trying to keep it secret but the devs already know. I admit I used it but the devs made alot of the drop rated stupidly hard. They made it so stupidly hard like around 0.1% drop as example for plenty of items to the point I quit their community base. They didn't see nothing wrong with it they thought the players needed a challenge the players were mad and trying to find ways to farm it easier we tried this exploit similar to this bug swtor had we got banned.

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