Secret World Legends Game Director Teases New Content
Stuff is coming in Secret World Legends. What stuff... Well... Your guess is as good as mine. All Secret World Legends players know that new -- truly new, not even seen in the original TSW -- content is in the works. With the release of the Orochi tower, as well as the Halloween and Winter Events, we've rolled through pretty much all the content Funcom had to port over from the original game.
According to the content update roadmap, the next things to look forward to are the introduction of Dark Agarth, the Agent system, and the long awaited continuation of the game's story line. Funcom's been extremely secretive about the new story line content, even refusing to tell players where we'll be going next. Although, there's been a lot of speculation from players -- including Scotland and for some reason Tampa.
Today, Secret World Legends' Game Director Romain Amiel teased some of the upcoming content with a picture of a what looks like a village under construction. Accompanying message is a tad cryptic, featuring several symbols associated with India, Greece, and Egypt, as well as medicine.
Meanwhile in 🕉️✴️♋️🆚🔞⚕🆎🔜...#UnderConstruction #ProbablyNotTampa
— Romain Amiel (@RomainAmiel) December 15, 2017
At this point, your guess is as good as mine. But wherever they decide to take us next, it's nice to know that new content is indeed on the way.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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