This Week at Bungie Outlines All The Changes Coming With Destiny 2's Season Of The Deep
There's economy updates, weapon reworks, armor nerfs, and ability buffs
In the latest edition of This Week at Bungie, Destiny 2 says goodbye to the Season of Defiance and hello to the Season of the Deep.
Season 21, known as Season of the Deep, brings several changes to the shooter. In terms of economy updates, players can now decrypt or focus Exotic engrams using Rahool. There's also a new currency called Deepsight Harmonizer, and crafting costs no longer require Legendary Shards. Moreover, the weapon sandbox has been tuned with improved reticles for Fusion Rifles, Hand Cannons, Sidearms, and Trace Rifles. Some Exotic weapons have received buffs, reworks, or nerfs too, along with adjustments to Legendary archetypes and perks. And abilities have also been tuned with buffs to Supers, additional Fragment slots, improved melees, and lower cooldowns for certain abilities.
In addition to Exotic weapons, Exotic armor pieces have been reworked too with buffs and a few nerfs. The game will have some Quality of Life improvements as well like new Vanguard bounties, the ability to consume Finest Matterweave and Rainmaker for associated materials, the return of Good Boy Protocol to the Tower, and Triumphs that boost the raid Exotic drop rate. Furthermore, there are Crucible updates that introduce the Meltdown PvP map, changes to Trials of Osiris, and adjustments to Trials passages and game modes.
Finally, three new outstanding Aspects are being introduced: Threading Specter for Hunters, Flechette Storm for Titans, and The Wanderer for Warlocks. But the Seasonal Artifact, NPA Repulsor Regulator, allows players to refund perks individually, providing more flexibility in building loadouts. And last but not least, enemy elemental shields have been visually updated to be more accessible for colorblind players and those with visual impairments, indicating the optimal element counter.
Head over to the official post for all the details.
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About the Author

Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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