Today's Halo Infinite Update Introduces The Exchange: A New Item Shop Where You Can Earn Items From The Past
Get yourself some items you may have missed out on.
Halo Infinite has dropped a new content update today, bringing with it 20 tiers of customization rewards in the Operation Pass and the addition of Spartan points. Spartan points can be earned and exchanged for items in the Exchange.
The Exchange is a brand new shop in Halo Infinite where players can grab some free content from the past. This includes rewards that were originally tied to Halo Infinite’s free Event tracks, special limited-time login bonuses, past Twitch drops, and partner promotional items for the shooter.
Players can earn Spartan Points in three primary ways:
This update is called Operation: Banished Honor and also includes sandbox tuning adjustments, additional Forge palettes, and the BTB Heavies refresh. Forge palettes include Flood and Alien Planet.
It's all live today for you to check out in Halo Infinite. Here's the new trailer that came along with the update showing off some of the new customization.
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Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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