Warface: Clutch’s Latest Season Introduces A New PvE Operation
The update also changes the duration of ranked matches on PC.
Today, My.games’ launched the new winter season content, “Street Rebels” in the tactical shooter Warface: Clutch. The update introduces a new PvE Operation in which players take on the role of Blackwood squad members and attempt to assassinate the head of the Nakai Corporation.
The update brings with it several weapon balance changes and the new PvE Rat-Killer weapon series. There are also new rewards for Ranked such as the Crossfit Medic Suit and weapons from the Racing Livery series. Of course, a new season means a new battle pass as well. This comes with its own weapon series: Street art.
In addition, players can expect changes like increased movement speed with melee weapons, hitbox improvements, an overhaul of the PvE system, and more.
The update also kicks off the “Frostbite” Christmas event complete with a new look for the Factory map. A series of “Skating Ice” Weapons have been added as well.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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