Once again, Mr. Freeze proves that love can be dangerous.
Once again, Mr. Freeze proves that love can be dangerous.
Everyone deserves their own space.
The update changes up how DCUO does storytelling.
Also, the devs are really excited about the new hot zones.
Even DCUO is getting some D&D love.
It also addresses cheating. It seems it’s that time of the year.
Just watch out for party crashers.
He will be the newest ally in DCUO.
Cups, shirts, posters, mousepads, they've got it all.
There are only a few spots for the in-person event.
Another year, another EverQuest 2 cash shop controversy.
These two game have been around for a hot minute.
22 Conduit facilities were looked at and revamped.
EverQuest will turn 25 years old in 2024, while EverQuest II turns 20.
Unravel the mystery that is the Realm of Heroes.
Repair and investigate the chunks of broken land off the coasts of the Shattered Lands.
It sound like a good time to jump into the game.
The Halloween Event runs October 5th through the 31st.
Producers Letter for both games give us timelines for the next expansions.
EG7 hopes to develop something using the EverQuest IP.
More free stuff for all accounts.
This has to be one of the biggest collaborations of all time.
Celebrate Pride month with a pride of lions.
The community was not happy with the new personal loot system.
It’s gonna require some time travel.
DC has been destroyed, the multiverse is in shambles, things are just bad.
The update will drop in just a week.
There are seasonal events, new content, and eventually Episode 43: Dark Knights.
The events may be familiar, but the goodies are new.
Over the next three months, Dungeons & Dragons players will be able to test their mettle while trying to keep permadeath at bay.