Oldies but goodies.
Oldies but goodies.
From Lineage to Throne and Liberty.
A mix of ups and downs for this quarterly report.
Only the strong will survive this hunt.
The Crafting Event will end on June 1st.
Players of Lineage II on the Aden server have a spiffy new pet system to look forward to, featuring cute and cuddly creatures that can be raised into ferocious armored beasts that can follow you into combat -- provided you don't...
NCSoft has released its Q1 2020 financial results, and things are looking up for its PC games while looking down for mobile.
Europe's Lineage 2 Essence server got a fresh update yesterday, adding a new race, sylphs, and class, gunslinger.
Aion's got wings, and it was flying high in the latter part of 2020, as revealed in NCSoft's Q4 2020 financial report.
NCSoft has released its third-quarter financial results for 2020, and it was a good quarter for mobile games (no surprise) and PC games (surprise!...
Rather than celebrating an annual anniversary, NCSoft has decided that Lineage II deserves a party for hitting the 6,000 days in service mark.
European players of Lineage 2 and Lineage 2 Essence got some meaty updates today, as announced by publisher 4game.
NCSoft's Q2 2020 financial report revolves primarily around one word: mobile.
NCSoft has released its financials for Q1 2020, a period spanning January, February, and March of this year.
The latest Lineage 2: Essence update is now available to players, bringing with it not only the new class but also 3v3 team match, a new castle for sieges, an event, and more.
NCSoft's Q3 2019 financials are out into the wild, and the raw numbers don't provide for a whole lot of swell talking points.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is approaching the $1 billion mark in total revenue.
There's a new way to play Lineage 2, and it's meant to be a less time-consuming option that focuses on "PvP, raids, and no extra grinding." Innova's 4game division has announced the launch of Lineage 2 Essence, a new version o...
NCSoft released its Q2 2019 financial results today, and -- with the exception of one game -- it's business as usual, but with one surprising piece of news.
Usually, the fourth quarter of a year, which includes the Holiday Season, sees a bump in sales for corporations.
NCSoft released its Q3 2018 financial report late this week, and it's a pretty quiet one.
The Q2 2018 financial statement for NCSoft is out in the wild, and it reveals ...
We've heard of CEOs, CFOs, and COOs, but I can't say I've ever heard of a CDO.
NCSoft released its financial statement for the first quarter of 2018 today.
A best-in-slot item in the cash shop?...
The NCSoft financial report for the latest quarter has just been made public.
Four of NCSoft's top MMORPGs were hit with DDoS attacks yesterday, rendering it nigh impossible to log into Aion, Blade & Soul, Lineage 2, and WildStar.
To be honest, the last few NCSoft financial reports haven't revealed anything all too earth-shattering.
NCSoft had a banner quarter at the end of last year.
EU Lineage 2 players have new content to sink their teeth into -- the Grand Crusade content expansion.