There’s tons of bug fixes, balancing, and QoL updates in this patch.
There’s tons of bug fixes, balancing, and QoL updates in this patch.
It's a huge patch that should make a lot of folks very happy.
Fans may finally be getting the changes to Warhammer 40K: Darktide they've been asking for.
This probably isn’t exactly the response players were hoping for.
"Shifting spaces and situations promote a balanced team composition and allow different team members a time to shine."
Smash and shoot your way through a TON of enemies, Rejects!
Two new weapons, refining options in crafting, and private games added, too!
The era of the looter shooter is upon us, but which are going to be the good ones?
Squad up and fight against hordes of enemies in your quest for epic loot.
Good news for them, scary news for players just getting in.
There’s still a lot of work to be done.
Fatshark will be adding more and more content as we approach full launch on November 30th.
Warhammer is a dark place...but how do you convey dark well without the game being unplayable?
Ever wonder what happened to the daring group of four that we saw two years ago?
Not much longer until the games launch on November 30.
New games coming, dumb news in gaming, and what is the best MMORPG trailer or cinematic?
The weekend beta taught me to think through the chaos when swapping weapons and coordinating with teammates.
The hive city awaits.
With 4 Archetypes to choose from, there is sure to be something for everyone.
This closed beta will only run from October 14th to the 16th.
It's just you and your strike team in the sprawling hive city of Tertium.
Following Darktide’s delay comes more beta testing.
Creating something great takes time.
Breaking down what we thought of the Summer Game Fest keynote and, specifically, all the multiplayer titles!
Pre-orders are now available.