XL Games aims to “infuse the game with new elements suitable for a new era”.
XL Games aims to “infuse the game with new elements suitable for a new era”.
There aren’t enough players to keep it alive.
Also details an 11th Anniversary gift.
Fly a broomstick and/or fight boss monsters.
Learn about the magic school, potions, dark magic, and more.
Congratulations, you own land. Now to find out if the game is actually any good.
The game is leaving Asia and headed West.
ArcheAge war will launch on PC and Mobile.
The developers stated the server will include many improvements based on community feedback.
This is weirdly unexpected.
The move is intended to keep the new Fresh Start server from being exploited.
Overall, a pretty standard update to the game.
Or perhaps just another NFT title.
All-new adventures await.
After finishing maintenance on June 9, Kakao will open up all content for every Fresh Start Server.
A rather egg-citing event has returned to ArcheAge.
Enjoy the cherry blossoms in this Spring inspired event.
It's a jam-packed episode full of eye-rolling NFT news, upcoming titles, and the early reviews of Lost Ark!
Kakao Games revealed its Q1 financials yesterday, and, while there's not too much to talk about from a financial standpoint -- revenue is down a little bit quarter-over-quarter, while up year-over-year -- the developer and pub...
Rift might be spinning its wheels and not offering much for new players, but another formerly Trion/now gamigo game has new content today!...
When the purchase of Trion Worlds' assets by gamigo was announced, it took quite a few fans by surprise.
Sometimes it's just too easy to rag on Trion Worlds and particularly ArcheAge.
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...
Civilization Online is a tasty carrot, tantalizingly dangled in front of fans of Sid Meier's classic series like a defenseless city on your nation's borders.
So, first there was an alleged "APEX Duplication" exploit in ArcheAge, then according to Scott Hartsman (Trion Worlds CEO), there wasn't one.
Gamevil, publisher of numerous free to play mobile games, has entered into a deal with XL Games to bring ArcheAge to a mobile device near you.
This might be the most interesting forum thread I've read through in quite some time.
For those of you that are having a hard time getting land in ArcheAge, or those of you just looking for something new to do, get ready!...
In the latest of the great land debates in the free-to-play title ArcheAge, hacking steps up to take its turn at the front of the line.