Wowzers! MMOBomb Hits Over 1 Million Unique Visitors

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor

You can't see it, but I'm doing my best impression of Michael Jackson's famous dance moves in celebration of the recent news that MMOBomb hit over 1 million unique visitors in December!

MMOBomb passed a major traffic milestone, to be precise we hit a record setting 1,053,782 unique visitors (source: Google Analytics), which is an incredibly flattering number and one that we absolutely could not have reached without the continued support of our fans. We are so happy we can share our love and enthusiasm for Free-to-Play games with so many others like you.

With the new year now upon us, we will continue to provide the very best Free-to-Play content we can and anxiously look forward toward another great year spent with you guys, the fans.

From all of us here at MMOBomb, We Thank You!

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (26)

Bush 11 years ago
how to get the APB reloaded codes ? :D

Please help

OnlineGameFace 11 years ago

alex 12 years ago
congrats on ur success! :D

Ariel Rojas 12 years ago
Awesome congratulations !

DragoonisMystic 12 years ago
Gratz to all who have made MMOBOMB what it's and for all who produce it . Way to go all . So MOUNTED!!!!

Anonymous6231 12 years ago
Title: Free MMORPG and MMO Games -
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hector689 12 years ago
Congrats!!! :) Hope for 2M goal this year!

TheGamer 12 years ago
Not a surprise at all, you guys are the best!

Keep with the good stuff!

Raul 12 years ago
I'm kind of a new user here, but still. Im happy you guys get all does views :D and you guys deserve it ;P

Zhao Yun 12 years ago
That is impressive i am glad i am part of that 1 million although lets be real we can do better than this 1 million is nothing lol

kkkk 12 years ago
N o t h a n k y o u S i r

Fugitiv3 12 years ago
Thank You From Spain =)

Salahtahri 12 years ago
ofcourse you deserve it mmobomb awseome

Spammie 12 years ago
No surprise, the community is awesome and helpful, when someone is in wrong, everone will tell him that and explain what he did wrong. We are civilized monkeyZ.

MMOBomb - Da BEST, mon! :) 12 years ago
NO, MMOBomb!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for everything!!You have helped 1 million gamers find the right games, the games they are EXACTLY seeking to play!For showing off all kinds of genres games!Thank you for showing us ALL OF YOUR First Look (HD) videos on YouTube those videos showed us all(well at least me :D) what type is the game, would we enjoy playing it, how good are the graphics for a game etc. etc... I can't write all the things you've helped gamers find in english, sorry, but we SHOULD be the ones thanking ALL of the MMOBomb staff for EVERYTHING they've done so far!!
Keep up the good work! :)

ali 12 years ago
a way tothank us by giving lol skins i mean cool ones or RP giveaway that's what i wish

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bad1one 12 years ago
gratz guys ,u all deserve it ,+ more ,thought u guys had that long time ago. but notttt.

DarkRuy 12 years ago
Gratz guys =) MMOBOMB!

MMO Geeks Portugal 12 years ago
We at MMO Geeks Portugal facebook group congratulate MMOBomb for this great achievement! :D

Adrian87 12 years ago
Grats, but you deserve so much more then 1 mil. Congrats MMOBomb and Happy New Year.

SuicidalSnorlax 12 years ago
Don't thank us, thank your selves for being so darn AWESOME MMOBomb! The only gripe I have about that number is that its to small. 1,000,000 unique visitors? pff.. more like 10 gazillion every day! I hope mmobomb grows even larger this next year. :D


p.s. Don't ever become a MMOHut xP (sorry spunkify)

Dawis67 12 years ago
We would actually need to thank YOU MMO Bomb. Without you so many awesome giveaways wouldnt come.

BTW when will Battlefield Heroes codes come?

Goodkat 12 years ago
No mmo bomb THANK YOU :)

spyhard420 12 years ago

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