Love It Or Hate It: War Thunder
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the spectrum the gaming public -- and by that, we mean you guys -- think of certain F2P games, and so we've invented something new called Love It Or Hate It?
Every week, we'll present a new F2P game and give you the option of passing judgment on it. Then we'll look back at it the next week and see what people thought. There are no prizes, except for the satisfaction of knowing you clicked on a button and made something happen. Really, what else do you need?
Last week, we asked if you gave thanks for World of Tanks, and the result was fairly positive. 33% of you said yes, 22% said no, and 45% had no strong feelings one way or the other. Personally, I've gone through love/hate relationships with WoT through the years, so maybe it shouldn't have come as a great surprise.
This week, we're shifting gears, but only slightly, to see what you think of one of World of Tanks' major competitors: Gaijin Entertainment's War Thunder.
Pros: Smooth controls, great arcade-y feel, multiple vehicles per battle means you'll be engaged longer.
Cons: Lacks realism, localization is iffy.
So what do you think? Yea or nay for War Thunder? As always, feel free to leave a comment to let us know why you voted the way you did!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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In the event you are skilled like me, and you can survive and shake people off, and then swing back on them to open fire, you will see the fail in this game. As you fire off round after round and see the +10 + 5 + 15 + 13 and you get coins for "damaging". Which is nice, but you will soon realize that its like shooting a brick wall with a BB gun, just toying with the other player and you will sit there firing all day long no death. Meanwhile you will get 2 shot. This is due to rank 4 in rank 1 and 2 matches etc. Higher armored hulls vs your top fighter = bad. Throw all this in a pot and yes, you can have a "cool dog" fight, but it feels stupid and un balanced MAJORITY of the time. They have not installed a "bi planes vs bi planes" mode. They have not installed a bamanced tier mode. They charge a lot. They have not installed a WW2 mode.
In the event you are skilled like me, and you can survive and shake people off, and then swing back on them to open fire, you will see the fail in this game. As you fire off round after round and see the +10 + 5 + 15 + 13 and you get coins for "damaging". Which is nice, but you will soon realize that its like shooting a brick wall with a BB gun, just toying with the other player and you will sit there firing all day long no death. Meanwhile you will get 2 shot. This is due to rank 4 in rank 1 and 2 matches etc. Higher armored hulls vs your top fighter = bad. Throw all this in a pot and yes, you can have a "cool dog" fight, but it feels stupid and un balanced MAJORITY of the time. They have not installed a "bi planes vs bi planes" mode. They have not installed a bamanced tier mode. They charge a lot. They have not installed a WW2 mode.
"Tanks and planes YAY" NO! It is false. Tank mode is SEPERATE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WIHT PLANES. There is a AIR STRIKE CALL that works like a CALL OF DUTY SKILL, where, at certain points, if you have it equipped, you can call an air strike (like a dog strike in CoD) you leave your TANK (yes leave it sitting there parked in the field) and are teleproted into a airplane. You do not chose the plane, it is just a PERK plane used. You have about 20 seconds to GUN, not bomb, but gun the enemy down getting more of that useless +15 +20 pointage. You can ram, everyone tries, it does nothing to tanks....I see so many fail people say "YOu can have real sky battles and tank battles!" no, not working as intended. They have yet to fuse the two game modes entirely. Your planes you use and build ARE NOT used in tank mode. And vice versa.
Stay away, they are not changing any time soon. Go with Star COnflict; WAYYYY better balance and over all game experience.
In the event you are skilled like me, and you can survive and shake people off, and then swing back on them to open fire, you will see the fail in this game. As you fire off round after round and see the +10 + 5 + 15 + 13 and you get coins for "damaging". Which is nice, but you will soon realize that its like shooting a brick wall with a BB gun, just toying with the other player and you will sit there firing all day long no death. Meanwhile you will get 2 shot. This is due to rank 4 in rank 1 and 2 matches etc. Higher armored hulls vs your top fighter = bad. Throw all this in a pot and yes, you can have a "cool dog" fight, but it feels stupid and un balanced MAJORITY of the time. They have not installed a "bi planes vs bi planes" mode. They have not installed a bamanced tier mode. They charge a lot. They have not installed a WW2 mode.
"Tanks and planes YAY" NO! It is false. Tank mode is SEPERATE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WIHT PLANES. There is a AIR STRIKE CALL that works like a CALL OF DUTY SKILL, where, at certain points, if you have it equipped, you can call an air strike (like a dog strike in CoD) you leave your TANK (yes leave it sitting there parked in the field) and are teleproted into a airplane. You do not chose the plane, it is just a PERK plane used. You have about 20 seconds to GUN, not bomb, but gun the enemy down getting more of that useless +15 +20 pointage. You can ram, everyone tries, it does nothing to tanks....I see so many fail people say "YOu can have real sky battles and tank battles!" no, not working as intended. They have yet to fuse the two game modes entirely. Your planes you use and build ARE NOT used in tank mode. And vice versa.
Stay away, they are not changing any time soon. Go with Star COnflict; WAYYYY better balance and over all game experience.
In the event you are skilled like me, and you can survive and shake people off, and then swing back on them to open fire, you will see the fail in this game. As you fire off round after round and see the +10 + 5 + 15 + 13 and you get coins for "damaging". Which is nice, but you will soon realize that its like shooting a brick wall with a BB gun, just toying with the other player and you will sit there firing all day long no death. Meanwhile you will get 2 shot. This is due to rank 4 in rank 1 and 2 matches etc. Higher armored hulls vs your top fighter = bad. Throw all this in a pot and yes, you can have a "cool dog" fight, but it feels stupid and un balanced MAJORITY of the time. They have not installed a "bi planes vs bi planes" mode. They have not installed a bamanced tier mode. They charge a lot. They have not installed a WW2 mode.
"Tanks and planes YAY" NO! It is false. Tank mode is SEPERATE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WIHT PLANES. There is a AIR STRIKE CALL that works like a CALL OF DUTY SKILL, where, at certain points, if you have it equipped, you can call an air strike (like a dog strike in CoD) you leave your TANK (yes leave it sitting there parked in the field) and are teleproted into a airplane. You do not chose the plane, it is just a PERK plane used. You have about 20 seconds to GUN, not bomb, but gun the enemy down getting more of that useless +15 +20 pointage. You can ram, everyone tries, it does nothing to tanks....I see so many fail people say "YOu can have real sky battles and tank battles!" no, not working as intended. They have yet to fuse the two game modes entirely. Your planes you use and build ARE NOT used in tank mode. And vice versa.
Stay away, they are not changing any time soon. Go with Star COnflict; WAYYYY better balance and over all game experience.
Saying that i just can't get into it.
I know there are a fair few problems with how the game matchmakes and then there is the fail developpment choices the seem to be making(sim battles in arcade maps)
WT is a friggin yay all the way, there's so much options and so much to do in just one free game ! And they're not even done with it yet, so much huge updates to come. Never in my years of online gaming since 1999 have I came across a free game like this that I actually spend money on because I feel they deserve every penny and I want it to go even further.
HAHA! U so funny!
Both games have their own unique strength and weaknesses, both on ground and in the air. It is more of a preference of what kind of gamer each individual is and what each title has to offer.
Let's bring both to about same level of game difficulty (around Arcade mode). In Warthunder you can bring multiple tank/planes into same match and you don't have to spend as much time in queue as WoT or WoWp players do. On same note, WT arcade mode is bit less challenging because if you die in your first or 2nd tank/plane, well you got more, so players tend to be more reckless than a good fighter.
Realism: WT arcade mode is far less realistic by all means as well as compared to WoWp, however WT does offer 2 other difficulties therefor targeting a wide range of audience vs WoT/WoWp. Simulation in WT is full sim game pretty much against other players, WG on the other hand offers fairly well developed ClanWars.
Missions: WT offers both solo and multiplayer in depth Missions with various difficulties. If a group of friends like to enjoy bit of fun among themselves. Where as in WG titles missions primarily do in random matches without any standalone server.
Free XP: WG offers free experience that you own to spend on other vehicles to unlock research and of course allows you converting experience from Elite vehicles to unlock research for small price. Gaijin on the other hand is straight up cashcow when it comes exp conversion and completely denial about free experience.
Crew Training: WG is lacking on in depth crew training vs Gaijin.
At the end of the day, you can go on for hours, days, month debating which one is better or worse. Ultimately it comes down to what each individual prefer and they will play that game and support that title. I personally play both WG and Gaijin titles, depending on what I feel like doing.