MMOBomb 50,000 Youtube Subscribers Thank You!
All of us here at MMOBomb are extremely grateful for all the support you have shown us over the past year. We are excited for the future of MMOBomb and we hope to continue producing quality free to play content that you have come to expect from us.
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There is a community of great friends and family that is on the verge of being destroyed.
By MemberZone -
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Hey, at least the Fae Yule event isn't the first thing on the site's banner anymore.
By Michael Byrne -

The mobile version is getting its own update plan, but not until later this month.
By Michael Byrne -

The Monk will be a melee fighting class with a few support and healing abilities thrown in.
By Michael Byrne -

Closed playtests start tomorrow.
By QuintLyn Bowers -
Another good measure of cress referencing is the game list on teh websites. EVERsingle website has a different rank and top 10, so it is hard to make an assessment. No one updates those lists and archives the old ones... That would be a community changing event also and very usefull...
But, you know, sitting in front a computer was probably a more realistic image.
A very long and hard congratulation for reaching the milestone MMOBomb.
Thank's for the great work, you guys don't deserve less.
Keep up =)
+infinit for MMOBOMB
thanks to you i was able to find some really awesome games ... and have a great time in them thanks to your giveaways ... for exp i proudly wear mmobomb tag in BlackLight EU
thanks keep it up to the ends of days and the day after ;p