Fight Wave After Wave Of Borg In Star Trek Online’s Next Task Force Operation
The TFO is part of the Unparalleled! update.
Star Trek Online’s “Unparalleled!” update arrives on May 28. As fans of the MMORPG already know, it will introduce the option for race and gender changes, but that’s not the only thing players have to look forward to soon. The update will also include a new Task Force Operation – an endless one. Well, it’ll be endless as long as you can stay alive.
The “Borg Battle Royale” pits players against waves of Borg with increasing difficulty. Players just need to try to survive as long as possible. There is an event version that does have a proper ending point of level 7. Once the event ends, that level limit disappears and players will be able to test themselves all they want.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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The event is mostly the same, but the gear dropped has been increased in level.

Update 42.4 also adjusts the required amount of Lothlorien Silver Branches and Gold Leaves.

You probably don't expect a mech PvPvE game to dive into moral dilemmas, but it seems to do exactly that.

I mean, I guess a timer makes since in this version, right? Every second counts.
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