Marvel Universe Online MMORPG goes free-to-play!

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

At a recent press event, publisher Gazillion Entertainment revealed some details about the new Marvel Universe Online MMORPG. The game is developed by Gazillion Entertainment, will be free-to-play, and written by Brian Michael Bendis (House of M, Ultimate Spider-Man comics, among others).

The game will take place in venues and timelines gleaned from the entire Marvel comic universe in Bendis' words, "back from the classic era all the way to the modern" and that unlike other superhero-themed massively multiplayer games that require players to either create new characters from scratch or act as sidekicks to existing superheroes, Marvel Universe will let players play as the actual iconic Marvel characters they know and love. The panel rattled off only a handful of Marvel's iconic comic heroes that will appear as playable characters, such as Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and, as Bendis added jokingly--or at least, while laughing--the obscure hero known as Squirrel Girl.

Said Jefferson, "Gazillion is going to try to make the game recognizable to both casual fans and to core fans. We're really looking for breadth here" explained the executive. Without giving any specific examples, the group suggested that the game's overarching story will let players "play through the great moments of the Marvel universe" and that the game will "launch with more Marvel characters than in any other Marvel game to date".

The group did, at least, divulge that the primary villain behind the events and challenges players will face in the game will be none other than Dr. Doom. When asked to list any specific heroines, the group simply stated that there will be "many strong female protagonists from the Marvel universe" in play. Jefferson was also quick to point out that Marvel Universe will not just be a kid-friendly game that might reflect the comic publisher's recent merger with media giant Disney. "We already have a game like that for kids" said the vice president, in reference to Gazillion's casual, kid-friendly browser game Marvel Super Hero Squad. "This is gonna be the game for core gamers."

While the Marvel executives seemed happy to at least speak about the game in broad terms, the Gazillion execs were much more tight-lipped. After revealing that the game will, in fact, be a free-to-play game, Brevik refused to give any specifics about the game's monetization strategy, suggesting only that it's planned to be "the biggest triple-A free-to-play MMO designed that way from the ground up" and that the studio has "a lot of great ideas on how to monetize the game" that it was not yet ready to divulge.

Lind did note that the game is currently confirmed only for the PC platform, but avoided clarifying whether the game would play through a Web browser or through a downloadable client. However, a Gazillion representative did confirm that the game will be powered by Unreal technology. In terms of the game's release schedule, the executives were again tight-lipped; Brevik explained that the game has been in development for "a little over a year, and is at least another year out…at least" but provided no further specifics.

Source: Gamespot

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Discussion (26)

war inc battlezone 11 years ago

mar 11 years ago
i know its kinnda hard but,wouldn't it be cool to have a marvel vs dc online!

mar 11 years ago
no character creation?!
what's an online multiplayer game without it?
i mean playing as your favorite super hero is cool but character creation is alot cooler,right?

Dalton 11 years ago
DeadPool FTW

jae 11 years ago
forgot to say also no creation mode. only about 30-36 (not sure) characters. and horrible.

jae 11 years ago
listen guys,

the game is being released on June 4th and it completely different than marvel universe online... trust me I seen the Gameplay and its horrible.

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Tom 11 years ago
This game was a rumor years ago. The company making it has only released like 1 game ever, and it was a flop. I'll be shocked if this thing launches instead of Marvel suing the devs.

jeff 12 years ago
oi marvel universe online cade o link para jogar

Fro murder 12 years ago
Prepare it to flop without character creation and make your own way through the marvel world what's the point it will be just a arcade game should have looked how city of heroes did it and just made it better

mohand 12 years ago
can any on tell me relese date

marvel200 12 years ago
when will it be realsed

Thesandman 12 years ago
It will be great Marvel saw how sucessful DC universe online is and they want a piece of that pie ..... marvel usually overcomes DC games so we will see im pretty sure the creation zone will be much better than DC's but hey ima marvel dude so if its better than DC im uninstalling it lol

Sandman &Magneto FTW

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Justin 12 years ago
I think the Idea of being able to play a Marvel Hero is great but I would also like to see if you can combine Powers or make your own Char. from scratch because it made the game more personal. I think the Graphic should be like DC Universe because it was great to look at. Total Free 2 Play would be nice so there won't be anybody who is better because they have more Money than the most. Like Guild Wars, just purchase the Game either Online or in a Store and install. DLC would be normal so that would have to be bought to Play but if everyone's equal then it should be okay. The Mentor system wasn't that bad but it would be stupid for this Genre so an option to create a Char. would be nice with features from some heroes. Hawkeye and others that don't really have powers would be left out of course but other things (some ideas are there) would make the Game unique. I know(of course) that these ideas will never make it to the Developers but I hope for ONCE to see an MMORPG that isn't like WoW....

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Carlos 13 years ago
Agreed Hope Elektra makes it, she my Favorite Marvel Heroine...

mikemil223 13 years ago
this best be gud bre bre

xskillz88x 13 years ago
this should be good. what I'm looking for in this is a good character creation.

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Nikki 13 years ago

turambar 13 years ago
why it didn't work?

random714 13 years ago
i'll give it a try, as always.

metallior 13 years ago
It won't play!

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ghostsai234 13 years ago
I thought they canceled this game? I had heard Champions online was originally supposed to be Marvel universe I'm confused now. =P Good news for us marvel fans though!

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