Purples Rain: The Aurora World Open Beta Begins
The Aurora World has launched its open beta. As with many Free-to-Play MMOs, The Aurora World will also be holding special events and giveaways to celebrate the transition into open beta. Notably giving out hordes of purple loot along with rewarding those who are the fastest in obtaining said amounts of purple loot.
Players who reach level 25 and complete a specific daily quest will be rewarded with a level 30 purple weapon for their respective class. Additionally, if you happened to play in the closed beta and reached level 15 you will also be rewarded with a level 15 purple weapons as well as gold luck coins and other prizes. All of this combined leads up to the Lucky Looter event which awards some of the first players to obtain multiple epics with some Razer gear including headsets, mechanical keyboards, and gaming mice.
While The Aurora World is by no means a nex-gen MMORPG, it certainly doesn't take itself too seriously with players being able own and ride Maijin pets that ranged from flying drums, a Santa Mount, and a soccer obsessed cartoon Tiger who turns into a rideable soccer ball. They even have a Mario-Kart styled mini game where 200 players race around a map as random animals while picking up powerups to mess with opponents. Overall the game almost had a "Blizzard" like charm to it.
You can find out more details concerning the open beta and the giveaways by visiting the official site here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Enjoy a 100% boost to Alliance Points and XP in PvP zones while fighting for glory.

The team isn't waiting until the Next Fest actually starts.

The regular version of the dungeon will open once the race completes.

Hey, at least the Fae Yule event isn't the first thing on the site's banner anymore.
The biggest example is Minecraft,and will always be Minecraft.It's not visually breathtaking,but it's one of the best selling PC games out there,and it was equally successful on 360 as well.I will always say "No matter the graphics,give the game a shot if it looks fun",and I do.
nice but i find the game play booring :/ still goona wait for a better game
either way, I haven't tried the game yet, but from many reviews, many says the interface and control systems are glitchy and hard to use.
any game with automove, auto pot, auto hunt, and a rest area to get auto exp is a grinding, botting, level to win bore fest that takes no skill just time and a computer.
they take the adventure and fun away from the game by lettting it play itself and lack of story to the game that's original and fresh.
this will be another fail game.