Tribes: Ascend Goes Free to Play
The online FPS game Tribes is back, as fast as ever, and free to play. Hi-Rez Studios revealed the first gameplay footage of the highly awaited multiplayer FPS Tribes: Ascend, and also revealed the business model behind the game : Ascend will be free-to-play from the day it launches in Fall of this year.
Tribes: Ascend, developed using the Unreal 3 engine, is being positioned as the multi-player successor to the much lauded Tribes 2 and a re-introduction of the franchise to the gaming world. For more information visit the official website at
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The blocking of "watch to play" ads isn't "new," it just has its own page and more details now.

There's even a 1 month discount on FFXI for FFXIV players.

The update is the biggest in months.

Gather at least 20 friends and take on the revamped challenge.
Still looks like a great game, considering unreal tournament 3 sucked it may be a good replacement.
some people like halo and some like cod
here is the case some does not know Tribes and this is the first time hearing
and some people know Tribes and try to say that halo is a copy
so some people says Tribes is the copy and some say Halo is the copy THERE IS NO COPY THEY ARE DIFFRENT Halo has customization and forge Tribes does not have them just like halo and cod its like well saying a banana is a clone of a apple THEY ARE DIFFRENT IF they would copy a game it would be now out of the market so they are not the same and CAN WE JUST LEAVE IT AT HALO VS COD PLEAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE 1 DEBATE IS ENOUGH
Tribes 1 came out in mid 90s with a sequel released before the 2000s. The Starsiege series also saw a number of game based on the universe, such a really popular mech combat game.
Halo 1 was released in 2001 and saw mass media attention a few months after its release. As opposition to this, Advent Rising was supposed to improve on the new FPS model before Halo 2 was released. Advent Rising, though well reviewed NEVER got the attention that the Halo series, and by proxy the Bungie studios did. Bungie had the background of great FPS games such as Marathon and Oni.
HiRez has taken it on themselves to reinvigorate the dead Tribes series with Tribes Ascend and Tribes Universe. Tribes, in and of itself, has always been a superior formula for multiplayer FPS marches. Many players that claim Halo is the pinnacle of arcade FPS action has never played Tribes 2. With its return, Tribes will once again reign as FPS king. Probably not amongst the consumer-illiterate who cannot look past marketing plots, but amongst those who view games as they should be. Even then, through word of mouth and the inevitable media attention, Tribes will secure its place once more. Any tl:dr statements are made by Halo and Call of Duty players :) This has been your history and foresight lesson by a gaming enthusiast (addict).
and Nox, Halo is in the same level from the first time to those games, and its not just luck why Halo has better marketing !