Wizard101's Novus Update Goes Live In Europe With A New World, Spell Masteries, Guild Updates, And More
Novus has arrived in Europe.
Better late than never I guess, the Novus update is finally live on Wizard101 European servers as of today.
Strange rocks have appeared over several worlds and they're each connected to each other through magic into Novus, which is a world where dreams are reality. Players must reach Novus, master new magicks, and navigate the politics of the Spriral Empires to save Novus from those who would corrupt it.
In order to enter Novus players must complete "The Next Thing" quest before talking to Maulwurf van Trap in the Arcanum next to Sybil to begin Novus.
Along with this new world in the Wizard101 Europe MMORPG comes new spell masteries, new Beastmoon event characters, new upgrades to improve decorative abilities for player Castles, and enhancements to guilds.
For all the details and a list of bug fixes in this update, you can check out the post over on the Wizard101 EU site.
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Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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