World Of Tanks Celebrates Twelve Years In Action With A Trip To The Beach
Celebrate aging tanks and get goodies in the process.
If you can believe it, World of Tanks is turning twelve, and, as with any tween, a beach party is a good way to celebrate your birthday, so grab your gear and get ready for fun in the sun – with well-armored military vehicles.
During the event, players can take part in special combat missions and earn rewards and Anniversary Coins. Of course, the coins can be exchanged for more items. Players will receive up to five coins for every battle mission they take on. Large missions will offer up to 20 coins. Some rewards also include unique customization items. Players who complete any three daily combat missions will also receive the Lago M/38, a rapid-firing Tier II Swedish Premium Tank.
In addition to the mission rewards, players will also receive special items for logging into the game during the event. Log in at any point between August 12 and August 22, and receive the “Only Twelve” 2D style. When players log in for the first time on an event day, they’ll receive a day of free Premium Account time – up to seven total.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Oh, and the dev stream showed up the next episode's content, too.

The practice has always been "at your own risk," but now it'll start carrying penalties.

The post is a bunch of platitudes, but nothing concrete that may assuage player concerns yet.

It's an effort to "build your trust" in supporting their Kickstarter.
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