Apex Legends Predictably Reverses Course On Making Battle Pass Cash Only
Yeah, it was so easy to see this getting reversed, but never forget: you saw what they WANTED to do.
When I reported on the changes coming to Apex Legends' battle pass earlier this month, it was very easy to see that Respawn Entertainment and EA were making a massive misstep with their future plans for the battle royale.
Among other changes, the battle pass was no longer going to be able to be purchased with Apex Coins, making it ONLY available through a direct cash purchase. This change would have made it impossible to purchase future battle passes with coins earned from the previous battle pass or other in-game methods. The news was not taken well at all and it seemed to be a very "EA-like" thing to to in most of the feedback from players.
Predictably, the team announced on X today that their dastardly plan is being rolled back. The season will still be broken into two splits, but you'll now be able to buy the battle pass with Apex Coins like you could in the past.
The season will still be in two splits that you'll have to buy, but the team says the passes themselves should be faster at only 60 levels each, and should be filled with better rewards. You'll also be able to earn enough coins in one to buy the next. It'll be up to players to see if they agree with the value proposition being made on this split.
I'll leave you with the same thing I said on my initial report on this topic earlier this month:
"Just remember, that even if they do walk back the cash requirement for purchase, they're still breaking the season into 2 splits at a higher price point if you want the passes for the entire season. No matter what they may or may not "roll back", you saw what they wanted to do."
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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