Genshin Impact Version 2.6 Brings A Whole Bunch Of New Content On March 30
A new character, new zone, new story content, and events are set to arrive soon.
Today, HoYoVerse dropped an all-new Genshin Impact Special Program highlighting everything players can look forward to in the game's next update, Version 2.6. The new update will arrive on March 30 and will offer players even more reasons to spend time in Inazuma. There will even be some familiar faces from elsewhere in Teyvat hanging out in the formerly closed-off nation.
Version 2.6 will focus on the Kamisato family quite a bit – particularly Ayaka's brother and the head of the Kamisato Clan, Ayato. Kamisato Ayato is the newest addition to the game’s playable character lineup – a swordmaster with a Hydro Vision. He boasts a lot of the same skills as his sister, also being a master of the Kamisato Art Tachi Jutsu. He's also apparently pretty good friends with everyone's favorite oni, Itto.
Most of Ayato's abilities have a broad focus – in that they’re pretty much all AOEs. His presence in a party also increases the normal attacks of the rest of the team.
Ayato will be one option in the first half of the wish events for 2.6. The other choice will be Venti, so if you don’t already have the lazy little bard god, you might have to make some choices. In the second event wish, players will have another opportunity to pick up Ayato's sister Ayaka.
As mentioned, the new update will also introduce a new zone to the game. Once again, we seem to be heading into a mysterious underground area – an area so dark players will need a new gadget to explore it. (We won't say explore safely, because, really, what area in Teyvat is truly safe?) Players will need the "Lumenstone Adjuvant" gadget to illuminate the Chasm while exploring. This gadget can be enhanced to help make exploration more efficient and will offer some rewards in the process. Of course, there's plenty to explore in the Chasm, including a new domain filled with artifacts.
Players are going to spend a lot of time down in the deep underground as part of a new Archon Quest, Requiem of the Echoing Depths. While there, they'll be spending some quality time with Dainsleif (Yes, he's back) and learning more about Khaenri’ah and the Abyss.
There will also be some new story content as part of the game's latest festival, Hues of the Violet Garden. This is an Inazuman festival organized by the Yashiro Commission and Yae Miko, so there's a big focus on culture and arts. (Somebody's gonna sell a lot of light fiction.) During this festival, players will be spending time not only with the citizens of Inazuma but also familiar faces who have traveled all the way to the isolated country to experience it for the first time. And yes, there will be games…and food…the works.
As always, today's live stream contained a series of codes for free goodies. Remember that you must add them today via your account on the game’s main site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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