GunZ 2: Some Answers and Trailer Revealed
At GSTAR 2011, MAIET entertainment finally revealed GunZ the Second Duel (GunZ 2) game play in public through Korean publisher CJ E&M. It was a big moment for MAIET especially because this was the first time GunZ 2 gameplay has ever been officially released to public.
GSTAR 2011 finished on November 13th, and MAIET released GunZ 2 official promotional trailer made for publisher viewing to public on November 18th. In this trailer, users can have a glimpse of four PvP maps presented at GSTAR 2011 and have an opportunity to watch the gameplay of all three classes of characters. There is also PvE content which wasn’t revealed during GSTAR toward the end of the trailer.
The following FAQ is organized by MAIET which was often asked from the gamers or foreign publishers.
Q. When was GunZ 2 project started?
A. GunZ 2 project was started on the second half of the year 2007. But the first 2 years were spent building fundamental technologies and testing, so release point was postponed later than what we originally planned.
Q. What is the biggest difference between GunZ 1 & GunZ 2?
A. The noticeable feature of GunZ 2 is the adaptation of Full Physics Game Engine. There are many games which use Physics Engine, but it is mostly used for visual effects or it is used under limited circumstance for multiplay.
But, GunZ 2 synchronizes all Physics simulation on the network, and this exclusive technology realizes the users to experience and perform such creative gameplay in GunZ 2 which is completely different from GunZ 1. Unfortunately, the trailer doesn’t fully display this feature but as the development progresses and through the release of new information you will see and feel it greatly.
Q. Will there be any other class than the 3 classes presented for the official release?
A. No, because developing additional class is a huge job. Sometimes we heard about adding a healing class rumor, but this was never an issue even from the beginning. For the official service, total of 3 classes will be launched, and these include female assassin, male fighter, and female heavy characters which weren’t shown on the trailer.
Q. Does character customizing possible?
A. Of course. We just didn’t apply the equipment change part for GSTAR because of the limited time for the show. We already prepared enough costumes to present for the official version, and you will see it as more information about GunZ 2 reveals.
Q. Enforcement of PvE mode?
A. Yes. We consider PvE mode in GunZ 1 as just a foretaste. We were determined to make attractive and enjoyable PvE mode so user can also have fun just by playing PvE mode. However, PvE mode is not enough to experience everything about GunZ 2. Our ultimate goal is to provide more experimental features in PvE to bring a brand new gaming experience for players.
Q. Will there be the technique called kStyle at GunZ 2?
A. kStyle from GunZ 1 will not be included in GunZ 2. We acknowledge that kStyle would have enhanced the popularity of GunZ 1 but it is also true that it holds many derivative problems. And also we doubt for the necessity to keep kStyle since GunZ 2 will have totally new tactics and controls. Just considering what we have planned for GunZ 2 so far, we believe that there is enough content to exceed GunZ 1 and provide a lot of enjoyable features.
So there is no need to be disappointed about kStyle.
Q. When will GunZ 2 be officially released?
A. We are currently working on the contents and elaborating more on Full Physics Game Engine. It is hard to tell definite timing for release but it is our goal to release early next year in Korea.
Q. Please tell about international language service plan.
A. So far, only the release of Taiwan, Macao, and Hong Kong during the third or fourth quarter of 2012 is confirmed. Since GunZ 2 is receiving lots of attentions from many game publishers of different territories, we hope to be able to release regarding additional officially servicing territory by early next year.
Q. Do you have any plan to lead the international service by development studio such as GunZ 1?
A. Not at all. Actually it is difficult to say that it won’t happen in the future, but for now we can’t prepare for such service plan or the operating team. We think that we have accumulated good experience while leading an international service for GunZ 1, but it is out of our capacity to operate an international service in our own at this moment.
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If you cant kstyle you prob suck.
I cant kstyle.
Deal with it.
K-stlye just aimed to push animation cancalling to it's limits which resulted in way higher mobility and short ranged combat than the game was inically disigned for. This creates compleatly unique gameplay and i doubt the game would have gotten even half the playerbase without it.
But I see why the developers went away from it. It caused GunZ to have the most ridiculous learing curve I have ever seen in a video game. People new to the game don't stand the slightest chance against someone capable of proper k-style(dbf, rhs, wallpost, juggleing ect)
You can be one of the worlds best Battlefield, Gears of War or I don't know what shooter player and the average k-styler would still rape your ass because it's so different from what you expect and are used to.
They will remove the animation cancalling that had you press 7+ buttons in right order and timing them in less than 1 second to perform a single move. I mean come one, dbfing across the map would even leave the apm of pro korean starcraft players in the dust and most of us just do it to get around the map.
From the looks of the trailer wallrunning will be more flexible:
wallrun doesn't require an animation cancel to dash after jumping of it, you can do wallrunning multiple times and you can hang on a wall and and shoot.
We still have dashes so if people are still as durable as before, classes beeing able to deflect bulets with their sword and the shotgun keeping at least some of it's punch from the previous game I expect the game will retain at least some of it's feel while significently lowering the learning curve.
Just please no more overpowerd premmeds, I am ok with some bonusstats for a little extra cash in a free to play game but giving out a second live for ~7$ a month is too much of an advantage for me. (also the reason why i stopped playing GunZ 1 after more than 6 years).
I'll like both I guess (if some day Gunz 2 is released). But I'll always love Gunz (original) exactly how it is. I'm surprised the amount of noobs here talking bad about Gunz and K-style, especially "DurkaDurka" I quote:"yeah… flying around the map was sooooo legit =p". This is probably the biggest reason of because I like Gunz, the freedom of movement, you can literally fly when you have the skill. It's like RPG, you learn more skills and techniches with the experience, but not the character: YOU with your hands :D
Gunz is a great game as it is, says a lvl 59 in the old ijji (now aeriagames or something like this).
You that talk bad about k-style, bf, and all the techniches are a bunch of QQ newbies :D
Second : Gunz or Gunz 2??? i saw the trailer. sorry to say this but from what i saw in the video, i dont LIKE it at all. no KS=no competition and chalenge for me the only thing that i liked is the assasin classe thats it.but who knows that was just a trailer maybe just maybe there more awesome things in gunz 2, but for now enjoy gunz 1 great game by the way.
P.S.:I REALLY wanna learn how to KS plzz, yes i know im a noob what ever bro i just wanna have fun.
Stay in your comfort zone if you never want to learn how to play a different game other than GunZ 1.
GunZ 1 won't be around forever.
And in GunZ 2 they're making you learn how to aim! Oh!! how terrible!
also, those network issues
takes more than a quarter of a millisecond to register
thats pretty bad
makes laggy dbf-ers invincible
How about those hackers? Never been banned by a GM and never seen anyone get banned
The game guard is a joke
Can't wait for gunz 2
Gunz 2 > Gunz 1
Refined gameplay > Gay-style
there were and still are much better glitches in battle then k-style so i don't see what i big deal is
or for na
Im sorry but this will just be a cleaner version of the pitiful s4 league.
(it was shotguns that was abused with the kstyle that made it unfair)
Philippines Old Player
thanks to Maiet Staff your the BEST yeah......
My Drug's is GunZ weh
..But to take something that's not f*** meant to be turned into a shit game with no strategy and desecrate it with a COD makeover is a punch in the face. Seriously though, this game isn't Gunz. It's a f*** modernized piece of shit that's bound to flop.
Maiet should've learned their lesson when they created Soldier Front. The game was never popular, it f*** sucked, and can I honestly say; what is the point of making a new game, if there is already a million f*** games exactly the same?
Now, seriously.
Gunz excelled so deeply because of kstyle. I can safely say that gunz is kstyle, and without it should not even be called gunz; because so many people spilled their hours into learning different moves, perfecting them, and coming to love them, that the game was ratificated into glory. I can stand at a direct perspective as I type this, and tell you that kstyle was never an accident, nor a glitch.
It was a perfect symphony of interchanging keystrokes that illustrated the beauty of the calloused butterfly, double butterfly, flash step, half step, and uncountable techniques. Every hardened veteran of the original gunz can tell you that it took over a year, most often two, and even more commonly 5, to become so polished and perfected at gunz. And to see this, really is a punch in the face;
because what so many players toiled and worked so hard on, and loved so much, has become a shitty duplicate in the sea of the same exact games with no defining characteristic of what sets it aside. And without kstyle, without dstyle, without kadachis, I can safely say Gunz 2 is going to be a piece of shit.
And I don't know why the f** they would call it gunz. Gunz 2 isn't even decent enough for such an honor.
call it army soldier. or soldier fighting. or man-does-barrel-roll-and-sprays-machine-gun.
plz.... god...... i.... want .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My position is that:
I think K-Style give the autonomy to the player of gunz, emphasizing the player's personal skills not your items, level or things like these.
I played that game because the possibility to do K-STYLE provides you a REAL skill test against other players.
There's so many SKILLED players at gunz, and now i think they'll be dead. The players called "pro/professional" will not play this game because Gunz The Duel 2 will be JUST ANOTHER GAME where ONLY FULL CASH PLAYERS (skilled or not) WILL BE AT THE TOP.
If you are happy because K-Style is dead, you should cry because you are just another LOSER who cant do that. And the only way you have to reach the top is your cash and items, not your skills.
1. 1st trailer did have gameplay
2. Not the first official one.
Sorry, all that fancy slash-moving was no more than glitch abuse, I'll be more than happy to see it go. Also more PvE? Yes please!