Lost Ark Boasts Nearly 5 Million Players, Still Dealing With Stability And Content Issues
They still consider it an “amazing first week”.
Despite the congestion and other issues associated with the recent launch of Lost Ark, Amazon still considers the last week amazing. At least, that’s how they described it in a recent post on the game’s forums. They’ve also boasted some pretty high numbers associated with the launch, such as having registered over 4.7 million new players as of yesterday and 1.2 million concurrent viewers spread across 112,000 streams on Twitch, with 59.9 million hours watched.
Of course, it’s not all been good news. As we already know the game has suffered congestion issues resulting in them having to lock character creation on some of the servers and find ways to convince players to move to less crowded servers. There have also been issues with items going missing from the store, players on one server losing access to the game’s main story quest, ongoing queues in Europe, and the general bugs one would likely expect after launch.
Yesterday, the dev team addressed these issues. In the case of the store-related issues, they’ve noted that there could be a few issues to deal with. As mentioned, items are missing from the product inventory. But, in addition, some players are just unable to access the store in-game, while others have found Crystalline Auras missing from their characters. That said, they do think they’re all linked and that the underlying cause is a communication issue between two servers – the commerce server and the game server. The game’s current load is hindering their ability to communicate properly and the end results are the issues players have been reporting.
As for the MSQ issue, this is specific to Galutar and affects around 17,000 players. The fix is going to require manual editing of each of those accounts and the players have to be online while that happens. That means it make take a while to correct the issue for everyone.
Finally, on the EU queues, they’re working on it. That said, they note that limitations with the game’s architecture restrict the capacity in a region, so there’s only so much they can actually do about it.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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