Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Removes Some Free-to-Play Restrictions

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

I am an optimist and like many other optimists, I prefer some good news rather then no good news. Needless to say when I heard SOE was lifting some of the Free-to-Play restrictions imposed on players in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes I nodded my head in quiet approval. According to SOE, the plan is to make both the F2P and monthly subscription avenue more attractive for new and old players alike.

Those choosing the F2P path will now find no class or race restrictions. In any other MMORPG this may not have been that big of a deal, but when you add up the 19 different races available along with 15 unique classes you've suddenly got quite a lot of extra customization options. Free players can also own a house now along with the ability to create guilds, something that was previously restricted to subscribers only. Speaking of subscribers, Vanguard subscribers will also now benefit from an added 50 percent boost to XP; a 20% discount on several fees; and an additional house which also receives a discount on upkeep.

Sadly F2P players are still gimped on the gear side of things, with Vanguard continuing to restrict access to rare and higher items. You can find the full producer's note with all the details here.

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In this article: Vanguard.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (31)

Gelico 12 years ago
This article is incorrect. There are now NO restrictions on race or class. Its fun oldschool hardcore mmo. Give it a shot...

Murilo 12 years ago
this game had potential as f2p... but an old game with old graphics, mechanics and grind can't survive with so many restrictions

yes, this can be a good title, but when you have a game like DCUO, Tera, Neverwinter coming with less restrictions (the 2 last ones with no restrictions), this game can't compete

if they want to survive, they will have to do better than that... also, is that hard to put some mounts. costumes and xp boost or something in a cash shop?

Laz Man 12 years ago
It looks like the original Everquest, which came out in '99. So for a game to have such outdated graphics in 2013, the game play had better be really good. I considered playing it, but what's the point if they restrict item use to common & uncommon? You're going to suck compared to subs and they won't want to group with you. I don't blame them.

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Kess 12 years ago
I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't play a two-handed fighter (aka Dread Knight) when I first installed Vanguard. Ended up being the Disciple and got bored pretty quickly.

This has been remedied and I am now playing again.

Zariarn 12 years ago
It's a good game. It's a mixture of old school open world with some newer features. The game is absolutely huge too.

It's got one of the best communities too.

Former Player 12 years ago
Had they done this at f2p launch, I might still have the game installed.

2434 12 years ago
shit free to play restriction

Tudor 12 years ago
i would not play this game even if they pay me to :)

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EvilBazoo 12 years ago
huge game lag .... all the time ..
Dev wont fix it

jesterhead85 12 years ago
when will they learn?

These last two years have been free-to-try for a lot of games.
if you want a playerbase to build up on a failing game - remove all restrictions! have a cash shop with cosmetic items or xp-like boosts.

restricting in game items... chat. etc.. its just frustrating.

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
quickly said
Those choosing the F2P path will now find no class or race restrictions=Smart move i see only plus from this
Free players can also own a house now along with the ability to create guilds=Also a plus although i wouldnt mind being restricted on guilds personally not sure what owning a house benefits u cause never played this
Vanguard subscribers will also now benefit from an added 50 percent boost to XP; a 20% discount on several fees; and an additional house which also receives a discount on upkeep.=Totally disagree with this 50% is WAY too high in my opinion
Sadly F2P players are still gimped on the gear side of things, with Vanguard continuing to restrict access to rare and higher item=This is the one and only part where it made me say "i am not joining this game"

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justsaying 12 years ago
All i get is that SOE is trying to get money on another game that no one really wants. these F2P models that still need subscriptions urk me royally. Adding an XP boost just makes this a Pay to Win game even more, with free players don't get access to higher tier items. I'm staying away from SOE games as much as i can, i'd suggest everyone else do the same.

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Infinitewave 12 years ago
Vanguard is an awesome game. Graphics far from rule in a game. Wurm Online has the best gameplay of nearly any game avialable imo, atm, regardless of it's stiff combat and lighter graphics (although they are plenty good enough to support the outstanding gameplay). But this payment model for Vanguard is superior, and I shall likely head back to Vanguard for a time, as the skill cap writing on the wall in my Wurm gameplay draws near. Pity about the items, but house building is a huge step in the right direction, not to mention being able to play all the classes. I have to say SOE is definitely stepping up it's game, heeding players and trends, and giving me reason to think highly of them again, and keep tabs on their games. A sincere "Da Bomb" to SOE for this move! ;~)

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Jimmy 12 years ago
Who writes articles on this site?

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TheEffect 12 years ago
Agreed. Its 2 late for this game..

removalmitt 12 years ago
haven't bothered to watch the first look as I'd rather listen to ftp cast 53 / playing war thunder, it's just too late for ftp to have a decent affect for their playing population nor any real profit they seek to gain. These games are getting old with dated graphics.....the only chance they would have with switching from pay to free is they had game breaking mechanics but all I see is old trash trying to make a penny (if it was that good, I'd have heard from reading about mmo games and stuff...) otherwise there is way more decent ftp games out / incoming already.

Denja 12 years ago
it funny i look at this game other day. thinking they was going to do it

1ManWolfPack 12 years ago
:) !p3tunow

Marlblanke 12 years ago
So on their website they say
"Why did we decide to do this? Because we all believe that once you start playing the game without restrictions, you'll want to keep playing and will find our Membership option to be an even greater value!"

But then they keep items restricted to "Rare and higher items will have limited availability for Free members."
That's not "without restrictions". They're contradicting themselves. Besides, restricting items? Really? Classes I can understand, certain areas I can understand... but items?

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magoo1996 12 years ago
Mounted! :P

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