“As long as you don’t do anything dangerous, you won’t have any trouble with me.”
By Aspen Pash -
“As long as you don’t do anything dangerous, you won’t have any trouble with me.”
Her wealth is unsurpassed in all of Teyvat.
This Electro 4-Star is taking over Sumeru.
Ganyu can bring down sweet rains, but against demons, they become freezing snow.
This Botanist knows just how to pile on the Dendro damage.
Traveler is back with a brand-new element and insane power.
A closer look at the mysterious Hydro 5-Star, Yelan.
With Sumeru right around the corner, Electro x Dendro will be a strong combination.
If you want this pyro 5-star to light up the sky, you’ll want to make sure she is equipped with the very best.