Korea Got Balance Changes, So Amazon Explains Why It Generally Takes Longer For Updates To Come To Lost Ark In The West
It’s pretty much the reason you’d expect.
If you have been wondering why it can take longer for Lost Ark updates to make their way to the Western version of the game, there is an answer. As most long-time MMO players know players in different regions go about things differently and expect different things from their games. What works well in one place doesn’t necessarily do as well in another. Such is the case between players in Korea and those in the West.
Because of this, when a game is primarily developed in one region, it often has to go through some changes before being applied elsewhere. It’s a bit of a process, which Amazon decided to address in a recent blog post.
The post primarily discusses “base builds”. These are the Korean build versions that contain hundreds of updates ranging from system/UI improvements to combat changes. It’s a bit of everything. These builds are packaged by Smilegate and Amazon, with Smilegate having to spend time removing or adjusting anything that wouldn’t work for the Western audience.
It’s these base builds that handle quality-of-life or balance changes. That’s the reason players sometimes have to wait. However, the devs are looking into ways to speed things up, so players in the West don’t have to wait as long.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Oh, and the dev stream showed up the next episode's content, too.

Hey, two Rift posts in a week, that's a new record in recent years.

The initiative will roll out over the bulk of the year.

Yeah, no dates. It's kind of a "when they're ready" thing.
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