There will be a good bit to do between May and July.
There will be a good bit to do between May and July.
It’s pretty much the reason you’d expect.
It seems things are going well with the jump start servers.
Downtime is expected to last about eight hours.
Devs are looking for feedback on the Rise of the Angry Earth Expansion.
Jump start servers will provide new and returning players with faster progression, honing materials, and more.
Development will be lead by an Amazon team while they work with Embracer Group and Middle-earth Enterprises.
“This was a difficult decision, but one that we think is best for the company long term."
If you’ve been away from Lost Ark, it might be best to check out your account.
The roadmap details a Witcher event, the game’s anniversary, and more.
Players can watch a four-team tourney of content creators live from Atlanta, Georgia on Twitch.
They’re still taking a lot of those Pheons back, but there will be compensation.
The Reaper Advanced Class arrives tomorrow.
Apparently there’s an exploitable loophole – because of course there is.
Skill Tree Effects are moving from gear to characters.
The Witcher will arrive in Arkesia next year.
The Aldebaran Harvest Festival will last throughout the Autumn season.
One is the new Mystic Abyss Raid event.
A year in and it looks like New World is finally starting to understand what kind of game it is.
Players in high-population worlds may want to change servers now.
New and returning players have a chance to receive 30 days of login rewards.
The merge will affect Western Europe and South America servers.
Yes, Fresh Start Worlds are coming.
The Brelshaza Legion Raid is almost upon us.
A nearly two-week long XP event will let players rack up levels before the new content.
What have y’all been up to the last twelve months?
There is a lot to be discovered in the "Rage with the Machinist" update.
They know what the cause is and are working to fix it.
Lots of fixes are headed your way.
With the help of Tony Stark, apparently.